

发布日期:2025-01-04 10:16    点击次数:114
校园卡(一卡通)功能及基本介绍 校园卡又称为“校园一卡通”(以下简称“一卡通”)。具体来讲,有以下3个功能: 1、作为身份证件,校园卡在校内或者校外部分部门的工作人员要求检查证件时,可作为个人证件使用。 2、作为电子证件,可通过读卡器、考勤机等设备的读取,从而被相关系统识别。离感应区3-5厘米处即可读写数据,无需接触读卡设备。 3、作为电子钱包,可以在食堂、超市、校班车等方面作为电子钱包使用,从而满足消费功能。 一 、新生需知 凡在入学报到期间完成了注册手续,并提供了电子照片的留学生同学,将在开学初期由重庆大学留学生事务管理中心留学生科集中办理并发放一卡通。 二、校园卡充值 如果校园卡电子钱包余额不足,可采取现金充值或自助充值方式。现金充值需到各一卡通管理中心营业点办理,自助充值可在微信财小通里登录充值(仅支持国行系统的安卓或苹果手机)。 三、图书馆借阅 可以使用校园卡到图书馆借阅书刊。只需到图书馆办卡处开通校园卡的借阅功能即可,不需另办一张借书证。 四、电子阅览室、实验室机房消费 进入电子阅览室、实验室机房,需在机房管理系统处刷卡,确认身份后,系统将开始记录持卡人上机时间,下机时须进行刷卡注销操作,系统自动将使用费用从卡中扣除。如果在上机时间出现死机等问题,请按照机房管理人员的要求,重新刷卡即可。 五、食堂、超市等POS机消费 待操作员输入消费金额并确认后,把卡片贴近POS机,首先会显示原有金额,然后自动扣除消费金额,待扣除消费金额后,显示卡片内余额,整个交易过程大约持续1秒中,在读写卡过程中不要拿开卡片,否则容易造成读写错误。 六、校班车POS消费 上车后把卡片贴近收费POS机,自动扣除相应金额,待提示成功后收回卡片。如未成功扣除费用则提示重新刷卡。 校园卡相关问题疑难解答 校园卡丢失怎么办? 校园卡丢失有可能造成恶意消费,应该及时进行挂失操作。挂失方法有:到一卡通管理中心营业点人工挂失、微信财小通挂失。校园卡失而复得后,可在一卡通管理中心营业点进行解挂操作,也可在财小通手动解挂。 卡密码遗忘或被盗时怎么办? 卡密码即消费密码,是持卡消费超过一定限额时,需要输入的密码。当卡密码遗忘或被盗时应及时去一卡通管理中心重置密码并修改新密码。重置密码需带上有效证件(护照、学生证等)。注意:校园卡密码遗忘后只能到一卡通管理中心更改,没有其它方式。 查询密码遗忘或被盗时怎么办? 查询密码就是持卡人在"网上查询子系统"、"微信财小通"中查询帐户信息使用的密码。查询密码丢失时要及时去"一卡通管理中心"重置密码并修改。重置密码时要带上有效证件 (身份证、学生证等)。查询密码是重要的密码,因为这个密码可对卡进行"挂失"和"解挂"操作,为了不影响您的使用,请务必保存好此密码。 发现卡中的余额与自己消费金额不符时怎么办? 应该在查询系统中仔细查看一下自己的流水记录,看看错误出在哪里,然后去一卡通管理中心找工作人员处理。 毕业时校园卡内还有钱怎么办? 销户前校园卡内的钱不能以现金方式取出,持卡人毕业或离校时,对于未消费完的卡上余额,可到各校区的一卡通管理中心办理注销、退款手续,注销后将不再办理新的校园卡。校园卡注销后,校园卡的所有电子功能同时失效。 一卡通管理中心服务地点: 地址:A区网络中心一楼大厅、虎溪松园六栋。 服务电话:65112096(A区)、65678188(虎溪松园六栋) 投诉电话:65106747(一卡通办公室) 查询网站: 一卡通管理中心服务时间: 老 校 区:周一至周五,上午8:30-12:00,下午14:30-18:00 虎溪校区:周一至周五,上午8:30-12:00,下午13:30-16:30 节假日值班安排另行通知。 Campus Card The Function and Basic Information of Campus Card Campus Card has three functions: 1. The campus card can be used as personal identification on campus. 2. Electronic certificate. It can be read by the card reader, attendance machine and other equipments so that it can be identified by the relevant systems. 3. Electronic wallet. It can be used as an electronic wallet in the canteen, the supermarket, the school shuttle bus and other personal payment on campus. I. Information for new students The International Students Office will process and issue Campus Card for overseas student who have completed registration and provided an appropriate electronic photograph. II. Campus Card Electronic Wallet If the user has insufficient money in their Campus Card electronic wallet, they can recharge with cash or by 财小通APP in we chat . Students can go to the campus card management center to recharge with cash. Students can also use财小通APP in we chat to recharge. III. Library service for borrowing books The Campus Card can be used to borrow books and periodicals from the library. Go to the card office of the library to get the access to library borrowing with the Campus Card. IV. Electronic reading room and lab computer room service Swipe the card in the management system of computer room for identification to enter the electronic reading room or lab computer room. The system records the time once the card holder starts using the computer. The card holder should swipe the card to log out when they quit. The usage fee is automatically deducted from the card by the system. If the computer crashes or there are other problems while using the computer, please follow the instructions of the administrative staff of the computer room, and re-swipe the card. V. POS machine service in canteen, supermarket etc. Confirm the transaction amount input by the cashier, and put the card close to the POS machine. First, the original amount is displayed. Then, the transaction amount is deducted automatically. When it is deducted, the balance remaining on the card will be displayed. The whole transaction takes about one second. Do not take away the card during the read-write process, or it may cause read-write errors. VI. POS machine service on campus shuttle bus Put the card close to the POS machine after getting on the bus, and the relevant amount will be deducted automatically (To Huxi Campus, RMB 5/one way). Wait until the transaction is confirmed and then take back the card. The machine will remind you to swipe the card again if the deduction failed. Campus Card FAQ What if I lose my Campus Card? Report the loss immediately. Options for reporting the loss: report to the Campus Card Management Center, report at财小通 APP. If the Campus Card is found after loss, go to the Campus Card Management Center for cancellation of the loss report. What if I forget the pin code, or it is hacked? The PIN code of the card is remained if a transaction amount is above a limit value. IF the PIN of the card is forgotten or hacked, go to the Campus Card Management Center immediately for a new PIN. When getting a new PIN, valid ID must be presented (passport, student ID etc.). What if I forgot the enquiry code, or it is hacked? The enquiry code is used by the card holder to log on the Online Enquiry subsystem and 财小通 APP  to display the account record. If the enquiry code is lost, go to the Campus Card Management Center immediately for a new code. When getting a new code, valid ID must be presented (passport, student ID etc). For your convenience, please make sure to keep a record to the enquiry code. What if I find the balance on the card does not match the transaction amount? Carefully review the account log in the enquiry subsystem to find where the problem is, and then turn to the staff of the Campus Card Management Center for further assistance. What if there is money remaining on the Campus Card upon graduation? Remaining money on the Campus Card can not be taken out as cash before cancelling the account. When the card holder graduates or leaves the university, the card holder may go to the Campus Card Management Center for account cancellation and a refund. Once cancelled, no new Campus Card can be issued. When the Campus Card is cancelled, all the electronic functions of Campus Card are instantly invalidated. Locations of the Service Office of Campus Card Management Center Address: 1st Floor, network center for Campus A, and Huxi Songyuan Building 6 Service Hotline: 65112096 (Campus A), 65678188 (Huxi Songyuan Building 6) Complaints Hotline: 65106747 (Campus Card Office) Log on website: Opening hours of the Campus Card Management Center Campus A: Monday to Friday, 8:30-12:30, 14:30-18:00 Huxi campus: Monday to Friday,8:30-12:00, 13:30-16:30 Until further notice for holidays
